Det må set fra et transsynspunkt desværre konstateres, at konferencen ikke har indeholder ret meget transrelateret.
Af hovedtalerne skal nævnes, at Georgina Beyer fra New Zeeland er blandt hovedtalerne.
Georgina Beyer er mand til kvinde transseksuel, har været borgmester og var den første transseksuelle i verden, der blev indvalgt i et nationalt parlament.
- Thomas Hammarberg (Sweden), Commissioner for Human Rights, Council of Europe
- Parvez Sharma (India), Film director. Best known for “Jihad for Love”, a documentary on gay and lesbian Muslims
- Michelle Douglas (Canada), Human rights activist who fought a landmark case on LGBT rights in the Canadian military
- Georgina Beyer (New Zealand), the first transsexual in the world to be elected Mayor and member of Parliament
- Piedad Codoba (Colombia), Senator in the Columbian Congress
- Morten Kjærum (Denmark), Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights
- Virginia Apuzzo (United States), feminist, politician and activist
- Axel Axgil (Denmark), Founder of the Danish Association for Gays and Lesbians in 1948 and the first man in the world to enter a domestic partnership for same-sex couples
- Ritt Bjerregaard (Denmark), Lord Mayor of Copenhagen
- Kemone Brown (Jamaica), young, lesbian activist
- Vitit Muntarbhorn (Thailand), UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and co-chair of The Yogyakarta Principles
- Rasha Moumneh (Lebanon), Member of Helem, the first LGBT non-governmental organisation in the Arab World
- Sunil Babu Pant (Nepal), Director of the Blue Diamond Society and the first openly gay member of Nepal’s Parliament
- Pascal Lépine (Canada), Secretary General of the International Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (IGLCC)
Derudover er der inviteret flere prominente personer til at holde tale, men som på nuværende tidspunkt ikke har svaret ja eller nej.
- Transgender activism in Soutrh Africa
- Tales of being Trans in the World. Shall we all consider ourselves as Trans?
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Konferencekataloget i pdf-format.